Monday, November 29, 2010

God's punishing..............................OR mans' revenge!!!!!!!!!!

Too often I hear folks say that God is punishing someone. Of course this idea that God punishes is borne out of the many centuries of a primitive perception that God is the final prosecutor, judge and executor for all wrongs committed by man. But is this a trait of God's nature or more a trait of mans'????? And if this idea has been taught for millenia doesn't that make it true and unchallengeable? And are we at fault to continue to voice the nature and actions of God without question as to how they may be?

Let's look at man and his nature. Is man easily harmed? Most of us would immediately admit that we are. A harsh word, a physical blow, even an intimidating glance can cause the hurt and harm that we suffer in a moment and can often linger for a lifetime. Not always coming from outside ourselves does it not, at times, come as a result of our own actions. We can be hurt by the realization that we have done wrong and the shame and guilt can be unbearable. More often than not that is the hurt and horror felt by soldiers who return from their  war experience and in extreme anxiety and shame attempt to function in a world of civility and goals that seem to have no relevance to what they lived through.........what they still feel; and how can they explain or share what they experienced with the majority of people around them who have no idea what a war experience is. Be kidnapped and taken to another planet and could you share that experience with those around you. That is what it's like for a soldier who's been to war. And to share among themselves, initially appears to only draw up the ugliness that you're trying to forget........or escape from, usually by the abuse of  drugs or the opposite coping strategy of working off your penance. So punishment is self-inflicted when we commit a recognized wrong we take responsibility for.
What about the wrong others do to us. Theft of our possessions; harming  folks we care about or  linked to by birth, association/religious bond; slander; deception/fraud; and finally being physically or emotionally assaulted...........these encompass the hurts and injustices that prompt us to seek compensation and punishment ........what is really revenge, but what we prefer to call 'just compensation', since we let the justice system determine the punishment and leave the practice of self-determined vengeance to the more primitive societies of the past. Nonetheless we seek/expect  punishment toward those we determine to have committed a wrong.Not only is punishment expected for those wrongdoers now, in this world, but also for those who escape our detection and vengeance and enter the next world.....we call Hell. A place we are taught - God created for the eternally bad. And if God didn't create it we'll do our best to manifest it here. And only the true Christians among us have influenced societies to be more humane about our form and length of punishment. Hence it is definitely in the nature of man not only to feel and experience hurt and injustices purported by others and brought by self but it is also within the midst of hurt, anger and shame to seek punishment, what we prefer to call justice.                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 What about the Lord? Is it in the Lord's nature to seek justice on behalf of man? Or to seek justice with man? The two fundamental underpinnings of justice are punishment (initiating hurt or loss to the perpetrator) and compensation, which has taken on a fervor in our society at a level never before seen for the slightest of infractions and maximal return. What need does the Lord have for punishing one man for the injustice perpetrated on another. Is it not in the Lord's nature to forgive the wrongdoer. To recognize his anger, fear and self-involved ways. Did he not create man with such a nature. What purpose would it serve the Lord or his creation to step into man's ways and correct his error. Would man learn to correct his own error if it was handled by the Lord. How the Lord reacts is consistent with the 'loving way'. As to the perpetrator, he offers forgiveness, instruction in the loving way, guidance, protection, fearlessness and friendship as long as the perpetrator recognizes his error, takes responsibility for it and asks forgiveness. (NOTE.........the Lord's love is, contrary to popular phrasing CONDITIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Let me digress for a moment.......the Lord's love is not a feeling it's action........the act of protecting, the act of comforting, the act of guiding, the act of teaching, the act of presence. When the Lord does not act on your behalf, does not love you; he does so because you are not on the same path as he. You're not following the loving way and he's not participating in your way. He hasn't forgotten you. He hasn't abandoned you. He hasn't stopped caring for you and your welfare. But he's definitely not helping you do your thing). To the 'victim' he reacts accordingly. If the victim had already been on the path of the loving way the event he suffers offers the opportunity for him to learn more/mature in the loving way......bringing all possible good out of even  a horrific experience. Bringing the victim closer to the Lord in a growing friendship then prior to the event. And the victim is better for the experience, no doubt! On the other hand, if the alleged victim was not on the loving way he's offered the same as the perpetrator. Should he recognize his responsibility in the event, asks forgiveness and turns to the Lord he's offered the same as is always offered to the perpetrator and the loving way victim. This is the real certainty and unchangeable nature of the Lord.

 Punishment and the exercise of justice is mans' needs and ways.........not the loving way of the Lord. 

 And it's within the needs and ways of man to create Hell for those whose evil goes undetected or escaped punishment by man.And for those who weren't punished enough while here. Hell is the concoction of the unforgiving man. It's not the creation of a forgiving Lord. There is no doubt that an non-loving way man is on his own and will suffer his nature if he so chooses, whether he's a perpetrator or a non-loving way victim.


Monday, October 25, 2010

The most Grandiose fraud

The most grandiose fraud of our time is the emergence of , what I call, "celebrity preachers". They are the most frequently seen ministers on the christian channels. The majority of them are frauds. Frauds to what? To the word of the Lord. What they profess and how they live is filled with contradiction. And the glue of self-delusion holds it all together.....for a while...but it is not sustainable. You who have watched these characters, are aware of some who have already " fallen from the fraud", and others who will. That also says something of those who listen to them and support them financially. These ministries are concocted self-branding enterprises of personal enrichment. The bible to them, is a sales manual. It's used for entertainment, persuasion and tithing for these religious Titans. And they certainly are........private jets, several homes, exotic vacations, yachts, Roll Royces' and all to often the pleasure of women , and for some young men.

Why are we caught up in this deception and self-delusion? Because of what they offer us and demonstrate themselves.......i.e. their apparent success. Or what they call blessings. It also begs the question as to what do  these celebrity preachers offer that the preachers of the established religions(Catholic,Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopal, etc.) don't offer.

First, let's consider who we are. As humans/folks we are all concerned with two fundamental issues in our daily lives; self-preservation and self-determination. We have a drive to survive and do it our own way. It starts at the most basic level and extends to the most nebulous. From getting enough to eat it stretches to wanting a gourmet meal. From learning how to talk to persuading others. From learning to walk to running a marathon. That's the wonderful journey we strive toward. Hence, the majority of us do not seek a personal relationship with the Lord. We don't want to give up our concern for survival/'s too scary to put that responsibility in the hands of another. And when we consider giving that responsibility/power over to an's even more scary. What about self-determination, the responsibility and power to make choices/decisions. Isn't that what we came here to do. How is it that most or all of us agree that no two of us are alike? That's an accident? An unexplained peculiarity?'s purposeful. That's one of the reasons we came here--- to become unique. As spirits we're not very different/unique. But in the world we can speak a different language, be raised in a different culture, have some different experiences and even among others of our same tribe still be unique. Another many folks have you come across in your lifetime who you could surely say are led by the Lord...........that means that all of their behavior and decisions are in the hands of the Lord and they are not acting out their own will. They have completely surrendered their responsibility and power for self-preservation. I'm not talking about their ability to get off their rearends and work in a field to harvest crops but have given up worrying  about having food at all. Or when they know they are about to enter into a dangerous situation instead of depending on their own knowledge and skills to survive they go to the Lord for his guidance in the matter. Let me give you a personal example. A loved one was living in a crack den. I knew that I would be the one who would have to offer a rescue. Note that I used the word 'offer'..........yes, it was my will to rescue this person but perhaps is was not their will. I asked myself, how was I going to accomplish this scary/dangerous task. For those who just don't know, people who are hanging out in a crack den are usually not just users but also dealers and they have weapons to protect themselves as well as force their will on others. They 're not welcoming of any stranger at their door. Have you come to expose us, stop us from what we want to do, or take away our drugs, our money? That is the fear they have when you knock on their door. So I prepared in the sense that I attempted to find the location and warn those I was obligated to, that I had to go on what you could call a mission. But exactly how I would approach this.......I had no idea. But being human I had my own thoughts on the matter. Do I bring a gun? Do I call the police, request an escort? Do I call on some nasty muscled friends? (I don't have nasty friends but I have some very muscled ones). So I prayed as I prepared. And the Lord said to me in that quiet, brief, very clear spirit voice of his..........."bring gifts". What......."gifts"??????????  This is not a party.It's not Christmas. Bring gifts. But after 28 years of friendship I don't question the Lord's guidance. I brought cash. Druggies and drug dealers like cash. That's a gift. So I made my way to an unfamiliar address, in an unfamiliar neighborhood..........and I was not scared. Any person would be under the circumstances but the Lord was with me.......his peace replaced my fear. After a good drive I couldn't find the exact street and while I was going around in circles I needed to use a restroom, that's when I came upon a fastfood restaurant. Having finished attending to my bodily needs as I was about to leave another spiritual suggestion came....Food.... food is also a gift.......especially to druggies because they never have any money left over when they spend it all on drugs. And the Lord did not say bring a gift....he said, bring giftS! So I did what the Lord advised me to do.........I talked calmly to the loved one, to the man at the door, gave him the gifts, and waited in my car with an out-of -state license plate, and no one knew where I had exactly gone and while I waited in my car for the loved one to gather their things a carload (6) young men in a black Mercedes drove into the driveway blocking my exit and all except one hung around while the one headed to the apartment to find out why an out-of-state unfamiliar vehicle was parked in their driveway. When the loved one departed the apartment and got in my car........without a word, a gesture or a look from any of the young men, the Mercedes was moved and we left. I'm sorry I digressed but the incident seemed appropriate to retell when I speak of surrendering one's self-determination and the obvious benefits to such. Had I done what seemed logical or reasonable it certainly could have been a disaster. But done the Lord's way, it came off beautifully!!!!

Ah.......back to the topic at hand. So what do celebrity preachers offer that traditional preachers don't offer and it also explains why churches (that is it's members) are growing in the former and dwindling in the latter?

For established religions, they offer a believer you're entitled to eternity, your reward, your ultimate preservation, only not here but in the hereafter. And you're granted self-determination .......if you are obedient to the myriad of religious rules/expectations (attending services, tithing your income, sending your children to bible study, honoring the authority of church leaders, etc.) then otherwise you can plan/execute your own will. We (the church leaders) will not hold your feet to the fire. We'll not excommunicate you even if you get into trouble. The only basis for not allowing you into the community of believers is if you challenge the integrity or authority of the church, otherwise you're ' safe ' from expulsion, condemnation or judgment.Prime example; I never heard of a priest being excommunicated (being stripped of their church membership) because he molested and sexually abused the children of his parishioners or even losing his retirement pension but I have heard of priests being excommunicated because they challenged the integrity of the church.

So why are folks leaving traditional churches and following the celebrity preachers, who don't seem to be held to any particular religion or belief, even though they all without failure, hold up the Bible as their authority? Because celebrity preachers offer more! Not only do they grant you self-determination of the same kind that traditional religions allow but they offer self-preservation.....NOW!!!!!!!!!! Your reward is HERE and in the hereafter. Look at me..........the preacher seems to say and sometimes actually does say. Look how well I'm doing. Did you see me drive up in that luxury car or limousine. Haven't I told you I need a private jet to bring the word of the gospel to the world. I need your dollar for this broadcast. I stand before you not in a $200 off the rack suit but a customized $1000 tailored new creation of a suit with my ministry brand symbol or logo just like any corporate brand.

And we fall for it. We enter the self-delusion they conjure up. And we accept the focus and drive we have for self-preservation and self-determination that  we understand and know. We change not. We engage in all the trappings our celebrity preachers engage in and we profess that the Lord knows us and approves of everything we do.

So, don't fault the Lord if he's not with you or the celebrity preacher on this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hi............let me introduce myself.

I'm a Walker. A Walker is one in body directed by spirit. Why the word, Walker. Since it was given to me by the Lord, I suppose he (no gender implied) could tell you. What he's shared with me is that it is a word that best describes how I make my journey through this world.........I walk the loving way. It's how I behave/what I do. You see, what I think and what I feel is not necessarily what I do.  Of course, should you act out what you feel or think then you do follow your human nature, or self. A Walker learns not to act out what s/he feels or thinks. That is what I mean by being " directed by spirit ".

Why did I take computer classes and start a blog. To share with you what I've learned from the Lord. Did I want to do this Why......because I had no need or motivation to do it. I was living comfortably in my rural home in Tennessee in pretty much the peace and contentment that a spirit led life comes to be. I was living the state of being that everyone strives for......via a religion, a career, an achievement, a possession(s),a spouse or companion, etc. What would a person need or be motivated by - to go public! Perhaps........fame or wealth or legacy. None of these needs have I. So there was no motivation to share with people I couldn't speak to directly. Besides does fame, wealth, and legacy bring just good stuff.....obviously not. Fame comes with a loss of privacy, unsolicited attention or harassment, open season for ridicule, rejection and bizarre expectations. Wealth comes with unwanted requests, entrapment, lawsuits and more expectation. It especially leads to greater possessions by which you become a slave to their maintenance, protection and disposition. As regards legacy...........who among us is remembered beyond a generation or two. And who after us really cares......a handful perhaps, in billions and billions of lives that have come and gone.

I brought these issues to the Lord when He began to compel me to go public. It' not that I wasn't sharing with others, I was. But I did so in private/confidential......if you welcome such a conversation kind of circumstance. My focus for the past 28 years was to live the loving way, not to preach it, write about it or persuade others in order to build a following or converts.

So here I am. You may post (do you like that, computer literate..ha) anything you like.....a question, a comment, whatever and I will do my best to respond. You will probably find me quite different. As often, I hear from folks responses such as........"I never heard that before"........."Where did you read that?"......"You should write a book".

Let me give you a taste. There's a story in the bible about Jesus and the last supper that he conducted hours before he was to be arrested. There's a statement by one of his disciples that Jesus spoke about a traitor among them who will betray him by informing the Jewish authorities as to where he will be so they can capture him and bring him before the Jewish council to answer for his blasphemous teachings. This apparent traitor, namely, Judas did his deed then later killed himself. But another disciple states that others killed him. Still others, the majority, don't say anything about this apparent exchange at the Last Supper or the happenings afterward, except to affirm that indeed in the garden of Gethsemane he in fact was accosted.

Judas was Jesus' most trusted and heartfelt friend among all the disciples. That bred some jealousies. Have you ever been among a group of people who admired a leader in the group and that leader seemed to express more affection or attention to a member of that group more than you...........what we all understand...and refer to as ...the teacher's pet........favored daughter......the Smothers Brothers infamous line-"Mom liked you best". Of course. No different for the disciples. Do you think that Jesus would bring up the subject of a traitor among them when he's having his last meal with the folks who are going to carry on what he taught them. Teachings that are going to lead to his suffering and death within less than a day!!!!!!!! And is it in the behavior of one who came across many "sinners" who he so gently forgave and accepted afterward? What importance would such a subject have at that moment? Was Jesus in hiding? The Jewish authorities couldn't track him down? He didn't ride on a donkey into the city of Jerusalem for all to see! He wanted to bring up a subject that would introduce suspicion, distrust and animosity among his disciples. That's the atmosphere he wanted to create in his last hours with them. That was an issue with him? He didn't know that his time was running out? He didn't know that the Jewish authorities were upset, disturbed and furious with what he was telling people and working miracles among them?
Walkers are compelled to do .........not what they think or feel but what spirit leads them to do..........Judas did what Jesus asked him to do. And he did it with a most grievous heart. When he went to the Jewish leaders and they elected to pay him for the information........his heart became more grievous and sometime after when Jesus was arrested and ridiculed and beaten the thought and feeling was too humanly unbearable and he killed himself. Why did Jesus ask his most trusted friend and dedicated disciple to arrange his own arrest? Jesus understood his disciples would be surely distressed over his arrest and imminent departure. He also appreciated that some may come to his defense. He wanted to avoid any violence and interference with what he knew was inevitable and he was prepared to meet the outcome of his ministry. That is precisely why he went to the Garden of gave him a little time to ask the Lord if perhaps this did not have to happen (his arrest and crucifixion) and it was in a quiet private place where crowds of followers and the curious would not interfere. That's the behavior of a spirit led person.           Do you know or ever ever ever hear of a person who did a wrong and within less than 24 hours had such a conviction of conscience that they killed them self? Don't mistake a shooter who walks into some place and kills several people then shoots himself as a demonstration of a convicted conscience........this is an act of escaping the obvious consequences of  arrest, incarceration, and all the condemnation,embarassment and judgment we all would like to avoid when we do a wrong.  Was Judas afraid of arrest and incarceration?
                                                            Does Judas care how he has been portrayed by established religions and denounced every!...he cares not because he knows the truth, knows what he was asked to do...and his good friend, Jesus who walks with him in eternity knows too. In fact, to this day Jesus himself is portrayed with similar untruths, which are retaught over and over again. Perhaps the day has arrived.......the working hour......when falsehoods old and established are exposed, discarded and in the process we find a new definition for purpose and meaning here. Fore untruths are like weeds in a garden-they strangle the truth and limit its growth and vitality in those who learn of it.